Did you know that:
How amazing would it be if you could learn ways to support your running or walking to help you address these hot spots & provide you with a maintenance plan to go forward & stay injury free?
Running is a 1 legged sport & when we are going from one foot to the other we are taking somewhere between 2 to 3 times our own bodyweight from 1 leg to the other at speed & the faster we run or walk that number goes up so we really want to make sure that we’ve got mobility, flexibility, strength, balance & proprioceptive awareness in our feet and ankles. This also applies to those who want to take their walking seriously and choose to walk further and on various landscapes.
We then move up the chain to the knees which are almost always by no means responsible for issues by themselves. We must think where the other issues runners have difficulties with are stored. For example.
Hamstrings (back of thighs) cause problems if the glutes (bottom muscles) are not working properly.
With hips, especially women who are in their peri-menopausal third age, women can experience pain due to a drop in oestrogen. Tendons love oestrogen and as our oestrogen levels lower as we age, we are more prone to tendon problems.
For any woman who experiences painful hips with running or walking the antidotes are good hydration, good nutrition & good strengthening strategies for all muscle groups, which we will be covering in depth in this programme.
Because we know that not everyone is a runner, if you’ve recently taken up extended periods of walking or hiking as a leisure/movement activity, I understand that you’ll want to walk in more comfort, walk stronger and walk for longer. This course will get you fitter and stronger to enjoy your walking time. Full of mobilisations and strengthening drills for your whole body (because walking is a whole-body sport) as well as beautiful relaxation and breath work practices guaranteed to have you feeling like you literally have a new body!
This course is for you:
My six-week programme is designed to give you the best foundation for your new or already established running habit – literally from the ground up! Delivered either virtually or face-to-face, this programme is UNIQUE because it is specifically designed with a woman’s body in mind, especially in terms of pelvic and core health because at the end of the day, women are DIFFERENT and need bespoke training.
Over the course of six weeks, we will cover all the essential features of running in comfort and with ease. We will cover foot and ankle mobility and strength initially, and over the 6 week course, we’ll work together on building resilience in your calves and shins, improving your knees and hips, gain mobility in your spine and pelvis and show you how to put it all together. We’re not guaranteeing that you’ll end up beating Mo Farrah any time soon, 😊 but we will be giving you the tools to help you ‘control your controllables’ when it comes to the most common injuries women who run have to deal with.
This is how the sessions will be delivered:
We are literally starting from the ground up and will be building and setting that good foundation that will generate the best outcomes for you.
Exercise Kit required
Those who have completed the Everywoman course will have a lot of the kit they require.
Any Additional Notes:
“I recommend The Fit to run course,a 6 week course which I have just completed via zoom. It is tailor made for ladies and their needs!
Nina is a brilliant fitness instructor giving clear instructions ,demonstrating the exercises and stretches.
The course has really helped to improve my running speed and given me the tools to improve my strength and flexibility.
My previous aches and pains have subsided,but when I do get the hip pain I know what to do now to alleviate it. It has also taught me relaxation techniques. I am going to miss my Thursday afternoon zoom class with Nina and the other ladies.
“Nina is an amazing women’s health therapists she showed compassion when I was at a very low point in my life, she really went the extra mile for me!”
Next Group Course dates to be confirmed.
Holistic Core Restore® Fit to Walk / Fit to Run Course
Live course Single Payment
Duration: 6 weeks – each class is 45-60 minutes long
Holistic Core Restore® Fit to Walk / Fit to Run Course
Live course Pay in Installments
Duration: 6 weeks – each class is 60 minutes long
£44.50 per month for 2 months (£89.00 total)
Holistic Core Restore® Fit to Walk / Fit to Run Course
One to One Course – All Kit Included – Full Payment
Duration: 6 weeks – each class is 45-60 minutes long
Live in studio or Online
Holistic Core Restore® Fit to Walk / Fit to Run Course
One to One Course – All Kit Included – Pay in Installments
Duration: 6 weeks – each class is 45-60 minutes long
Live in studio or Online
£87.50 per Month for 4 Months (Total £350.00)
Unsure as to which of my courses will help you the most?
Let’s have a FREE 15 minute chat and I can steer you in the right direction.